Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

There are a lot of skills required to excel at poker, from the basics like betting and fold rules to the more advanced concepts like reading other players. But arguably the most important skill is discipline and perseverance. It’s not easy to stay committed to improving your poker game for long periods of time, especially when you have bad luck and lose hands that you felt you should win.

Poker is a game of chance and luck, but you can control how much of that factors in by making smart decisions over the long run. That means choosing the right limits and game variations for your bankroll, avoiding ego, and committing to study and practice.

You also need to learn the game’s rules and memorize basic chart information, such as what hands beat what (flush beats straight, three of a kind beats two pair, etc.). This knowledge will help you make more intelligent calls when you have a good-to-great chance of winning.

Position is also a hugely important aspect of the game. If you’re in the button position, for example, you’ll have a better understanding of your opponents’ calling range and can be more confident in making value bets. This will increase your chances of winning and minimize the amount you lose to bad luck. Also, if you’re in the early positions, you can be more aggressive and try to scare off your opponent with bluffs. They’ll often overthink and arrive at the wrong conclusions, which makes bluffing easier for you.